Anger is such a healthy emotion which is mainly characterized by a feeling of hate and of being against somebody/something. Anger can cause by both external or internal events.
Sometimes it happens that our opinion became wrong for someone or someone’s opinion does not match with us, then we started antagonism towards that person.
Internally it is due to release of serotonin which controls our anger.
Anger can be towards specific person (co-worker or your family members) or any event (traffic jam, a cancelled trip, late train).
The issue of control our anger has been written about since the time of earliest philosophers to the modern psychologists.
Types of Anger-
Anger is divided into mainly three types – Passive Aggression, Assertive Aggression, and Aggressive Anger.
Passive Anger – we all face this type but know one clearly know what is it actually
Signs –
1. 1. You stop talking with that person for whom you are upset.
2. 2. You started avoid him/her.
3. 3. Sometimes you use sarcasm to avoid engaging in a meaningful conversation.
Causes –
1. 1. They fear losing control, they are emotionally not so strong & lack self-esteem.
2. 2. Child abuse, neglect, and harsh punishment can also cause one to develop passive aggression.
3. 3. When it is difficult to express anger openly or it is not possible due to social restriction (e.g.-family function), passive-aggression might seem like an easier way to deal with your emotions without having to confront the source of your anger.
Assertive Aggression –
Assertive behavior is typically a positive form of expression, while aggression is a negative form of expression. So, these two words together are actually making an opposite sense.
In this type, the angry person will give a temporary punishment to an individual like further limiting a child's will to do anything they want like playing video games, reading, access social media (excluding schoolwork) etc., after they did something to cause trouble.
Aggressive Anger –
Anger expressed in this way is directed at the other person to hurt him/her emotionally, physically or psychologically. We express it openly.
Signs –
1. Vandalism – damaging
and destroying objects.
2. Harming animals, others physically.
3. 3. Ignoring others, selfishness.
4. 4. Threatening people directly. Using power to oppress, shouting, playing with people’s weakness.
5. Blaming people for
your feelings.
- Physical health: many times, due to physically injury or physical abuse during childhood put ones into aggressive anger.
- Mental health- a lone term stress / depression lead people to aggression.
- Family structure
- Relationships with others
- Work or school environment
- Societal or socioeconomic factors
- Individual traits / low self esteem
- Life experiences- Due to lack of proper life experience teenagers often became aggressive.
How It Affects People –
1. Physical Affects-
Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight to flight’ response. The fight-or-flight response is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived attack, harmful event, or threat to survival, anxiety or depression. Adrenal glands make and release the hormone cortisol into your bloodstream. Brain shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles to prepare for physical exertion. It is important to note that sometimes anger or emotional upset can cause increase twice the risk of having heart-attack, within an hour. Blood pressure, increases, the rib cage tenses and breathing through the nose becomes faster, deeper, and irregular.
2. Health Problems with Anger –
· 1. Headache
· 2. Digestion problems, such as abdominal pain
· 3. insomnia / problem during sleep
· 4. increased anxiety & stress
· 5. depression
· 6. high blood pressure
· 7. skin problems (eczema)
· 8. heart attack
· 9. stroke.
3. Anger Weakens Your Immune System - If you are anger for all the time then you might feel sick often.
Harvard University scientists found that in healthy people, simply recalling an angry experience from their past caused a six-hour dip in levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, the cells' first line of defense against infection.
So, anger weakens your immune system.
4. Impact on your Hair- If you are being angry much of the times, then, the possibility of breaking the proper melanin pigmentation increases. So, then the lack of melanocytes cells, which helps to produce melanin may turn your hair grey.
5. Anger Can Shorten our Life- According to Fristad, “Stress is very tightly linked to general health. If you're stressed and angry, you'll shorten your lifespan,”. A University of Michigan study done over a 17-year period found that couples who hold in their anger have a shorter life span than those who readily say when they're mad.
6. Impact on Relationship- Anger spoils relationships where there should be great reciprocity.
Connections Between Anger and Stress –
Significant age and gender differences were found in the propensity to overtly express anger, with younger women (those in their 20s and 30s) having the highest mean scores on Total Expressed Anger.
Americans aged between 18 to 23, also known as adult Gen Z, are reporting the highest stress levels of any generation in the country, according to a poll.
So, from the above data we can get a conclusion that after becoming stress from the age of 17/18 they loose patience and at 20-30 they express this stress as anger.
William DeFoore, an anger management writer, described anger as a pressure cooker, stating that "we can only suppress or apply pressure against our anger for so long before it erupts".
Stress which does not cause anger or irritability, which motivate us to do something creative things is healthy stress or ‘Eustress’.
Distress is a type of stress that causes to be irritable and sometimes angry. This happens when the stress is too much and is no longer motivate you. You can think of this as when there is a combination of stressors and things just keep piling up. And one day, you become unable to handle this anymore and there is an anger outburst. Sugar, Caffeine, Excess food, Nicotine etc. increase your stress level.
You can reduce your stress and anger via-· Exercise
· Meditation, Yoga
· Developing communication skills
· Engaging yourself into social activities.
Anger Turn into Hate –
The person who hate someone he/she also dealing with an emotion as powerful and demanding love. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
But there is a significant difference between hate an anger is hate that hate involves the whole individual/group, and not a particular aspect of the individual/group. While anger at someone because of what he did.
Can Anger Be Useful?
Sometimes anger can be useful, according to some researchers—being angry increases optimism, creativity, effective performance—and research suggests that expressing anger can lead to more successful negotiations, in life or on the job. It is better to express anger rather than nurture anger and grow it. In fact, repressing anger can actually hurt you. Men and women who hid the anger they felt in response to an unjust attack subsequently found themselves more likely to get bronchitis and heart attacks, and were more likely to die earlier than peers who let their anger be known when other people were annoying.
But still, it would be better if the anger did not come, rather than control it.
Can Anger Be Addictive?
· Anger can also be addictive. Some people seek thrills for the adrenaline rush, some people have the same effect from anger.
· Individuals can become addicted to endorphins they feel when they get angry. Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain. They work similarly to a class of drugs called opioids.
For example, if a person abuses alcohol for a long time and became addicted, his angriness increases.
Some Famous Quotes -
· Anger does not solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything.
· Try to control your anger since people can’t manage their stupidity.
· Anger is sign that something needs to change.
· Anger is a momentary madness, so control it otherwise it will control you.
· I hate the moment when suddenly my anger change into tears.
Conclusion –
We have some beliefs and we got stuck with that belief, and if someone gives a question mark on our belief, we start to get angry.
The easiest way to fight with anger is to leave that belief.
Now the question is that then from where these beliefs came into us.
These beliefs are from the loneliness inside us. But we can get rid of loneliness when we understand that nothing except you is perfect. Your perfection is equal to infinity. Now it doesn’t matter what we lose or what we get or what we own because the amount is infinity.
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